• March 13, 2025
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    Current news directly from Union Locals in the US and Canada.
    Amazon Uses Arsenal of AI Weapons Against Workers
    03/13/25 - Teamsters Local 355
    Mar. 13, 2025 | COMMENTARY | […] Amazon weaponized workplace devices in use at warehouses that algorithmically direct and discipline workers. It exploited these machines to send anti-union messages, ask questions that workers say were designed to gauge union sympathies, and make “captive audience” meetings even more intimidating.
    Federal Workers Push Back as DHS Ends Collective Bargaining for TSA Security Officers
    03/13/25 - Teamsters Local 355
    Mar. 13, 2025 | UNION-BUSTING | A cohort of federal workers convened Monday morning in Orlando for a roundtable hosted by U.S. Congressman Darren Soto. That included the American Federation of Government Employees federal union representative and TSA security officer John Hubert, who works out of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport.
    Amazon Uses Arsenal of AI Weapons Against Workers
    03/13/25 - Teamsters Local 992
    Mar. 13, 2025 | COMMENTARY | […] Amazon weaponized workplace devices in use at warehouses that algorithmically direct and discipline workers. It exploited these machines to send anti-union messages, ask questions that workers say were designed to gauge union sympathies, and make “captive audience” meetings even more intimidating.
    Federal Workers Push Back as DHS Ends Collective Bargaining for TSA Security Officers
    03/13/25 - Teamsters Local 992
    Mar. 13, 2025 | UNION-BUSTING | A cohort of federal workers convened Monday morning in Orlando for a roundtable hosted by U.S. Congressman Darren Soto. That included the American Federation of Government Employees federal union representative and TSA security officer John Hubert, who works out of Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport.
    General meeting March 19
    03/13/25 - Local 406 PPPWU
    President Mike LaSpina is calling a general meeting at 9 a.m. Wednesday, March 19, on Zoom. Consult a message sent to your private email on March 13, 2025, for some of the issues for discussion. A Zoom link will be sent early Monday, March 17, 2025, with a reminder early Wednesday, March 19.
    Virtual Call to Save our Services
    03/13/25 - CWA Local 1123
    The AFL-CIO is hosting a virtual call tonight to support federal workers fighting for their jobs. When: Tonight, Thursday, March 13 at 8 PM Register here: https://actionnetwork.org/events/mar13-saveourservicescall Let Us Work! Save our Services.
    Information Regarding 2nd Quarter 2025 Dues Invoice
    03/13/25 - IUEC Local 71
    Brothers and Sisters, Due to a software issue, invoices are a little late, and you will receive your 2nd quarter 2025 invoice by 3/18/25. If you wish to view your balance and pay online, click here for the payment page on our website.  When you get there, click on the union card to make your payment. Information is available if you have any questions.
    Judge orders reinstatement for most fired probationary federal workers
    03/13/25 - National Council of Field Labor Locals
    Judge orders reinstatement for most fired probationary federal workers
    Attack on Collective Bargaining Agreement with TSA
    03/12/25 - Communications Workers of America Local 1120
    @media only screen and (max-width: 730px){ .pdfview{height:500px .
    Spring 2025 Member Breakfast
    03/12/25 - Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 44
    New to the semi-annual Member Breakfast? Been in the past but want to get more involved? Looking to meet and mingle with other Local 44 members? Whatever the reason, we are excited to spend the morning with you. Join your fellow UA Local 44 members on Saturday, April 5, 2025, at 10:00 am at this casual get-together and catch up with old friends and maybe even meet some new ones.
    HB 495
    03/12/25 - Saint Louis Police Officers Association
    Members, Today the Missouri Legislature passed HB495 returning the SLMPD to a Governor appointed Board of Police Commissioners.   We anticipate the Governor will sign the bill into law in the coming weeks.  Stay tuned for more details.
    2025 United Association Scholarship
    03/12/25 - Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 44
    We are pleased to announce that the United Association Scholarship Trust Fund is gearing up for the 2025-2026 academic year scholarship awards. Up to 112 scholarships totaling as much as $502,000 will be awarded this year, including 106 for students pursuing undergraduate studies and up to six for students pursuing graduate studies. Scholarships will range from $4,000 to $7,500 each.
    Rally To Save USPS
    03/12/25 - Greater Kansas City AFL-CIO
    AFGE Labor Rally
    03/12/25 - Greater Kansas City AFL-CIO
    Stop the Cuts
    03/12/25 - CWA Local 1103
    Stop the Cuts.  Working-class families, like ours, often depend on social services.  The GOP is proposing cuts to these programs that assist us, in order to pay for a tax cut for them and their very wealthy friends. Social services are not only utilized by those who are too lazy to work. That is a fallacy.
    @media only screen and (max-width: 730px){ .pdfview{height:500px .
    NLRB Back in Business After Fired Member’s Reinstatement
    03/10/25 - Teamsters Local 355
    Mar. 10, 2025 | WORKERS’ RIGHTS | The National Labor Relations Board issued its first rulings since a federal judge reinstated member Gwynne Wilcox, but it’s unclear how long the window for board action will remain open. The board was hobbled for more than a month because of President Donald Trump’s Jan.
    The Origins of International Women’s Day
    03/10/25 - Teamsters Local 355
    Mar. 10, 2025 | WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH | Within the last twenty years, many thousands of women worldwide have begun to celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD). However, the way in which the day is marked often bears little resemblance to the original IWD purpose and origins.
    The Origins of International Women’s Day
    03/10/25 - Teamsters Local 992
    Mar. 10, 2025 | WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH | Within the last twenty years, many thousands of women worldwide have begun to celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD). However, the way in which the day is marked often bears little resemblance to the original IWD purpose and origins.
    Retirees Club Meeting
    03/10/25 - Teamsters Local 776
    The Local 776 Retirees Group will meet at 10:00 a.m. this Wednesday, March 12th, at the Camp Hill Union Hall. Our guest speaker this month will be Paul Hart from Hart Financial Services. Paul will speak and answer questions on Social Security and Financial planning. All retirees from Local 776 and 430 are welcome! Come on out and keep in touch with other Teamster retirees.
    Week Ending 03/08/2025
    03/10/25 - Teamsters Local 992
      • Teamsters, Stop & Shop reach a tentative agreement   • Costco Teamsters ratify new agreement   • Teamsters in Illinois win $4.5 million grievance settlement   • Historic milestone: Las Vegas Strip hits 100% unionization   • US ends collective bargaining for 50,000 TSA officers   • Metro D.C.
    Week Ending 03/07/2025
    03/07/25 - Teamsters Local 355
      • Teamsters, Stop & Shop reach a tentative agreement   • Costco Teamsters ratify new agreement   • Teamsters in Illinois win $4.5 million grievance settlement   • Historic milestone: Las Vegas Strip hits 100% unionization   • US ends collective bargaining for 50,000 TSA officers   • Metro D.C.
    With Strong Union Support, Lawmakers Reintroduce the PRO Act
    03/07/25 - Teamsters Local 355
    Mar. 7, 2025 | WORKERS’ RIGHTS | A bipartisan group of lawmakers, led by Sen. Bernie Sanders, Ind-Vt., accompanied by other Democrats and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., reintroduced the Protect The Right To Organize (PRO) Act, labor’s top legislative priority.
    With Strong Union Support, Lawmakers Reintroduce the PRO Act
    03/07/25 - Teamsters Local 992
    Mar. 7, 2025 | WORKERS’ RIGHTS | A bipartisan group of lawmakers, led by Sen. Bernie Sanders, Ind-Vt., accompanied by other Democrats and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., reintroduced the Protect The Right To Organize (PRO) Act, labor’s top legislative priority.
    Public Office
    03/07/25 - I.B.E.W. Local Union 266
    Local 266 Brothers & Sisters, We are looking for members who serve in any type of public office, whether elected or appointed, at the federal, state, and local levels, including positions on the school board, etc. Your service is valued and appreciated. If this is you, would you please call Local 266 at 602-275-6222? We would like to hear from you.
    PA Conference of Teamsters
    03/07/25 - Teamsters Local 776
    The PA Conference of Teamsters is comprised of Local Unions affiliated with Joint Council 40 and Joint Council...
    Employee Lead Exposure Testing
    03/07/25 - IBEW local 2325
    Please read the response letter from the Department of Health and Human Services regarding lead exposure.
    March Union Meeting
    03/06/25 - APWU Cleveland Area Local
    March Union Meeting  3/11/25       5:30pm William H Burrus Cleveland Area Local 72 3829 Carnegie Ave Cleveland Oh 44115
    March Membership Meeting
    03/06/25 - CWA Local 2222
    The March Membership Meeting is being moved from March 18, 2025. And now it will be on Monday, March 24, 2025. The location of the meeting will be at the Centreville public library. The address is 14200 St. Germain Dr Centreville, VA 20121 and will begin at 6.30 pm. Please call 540-323-1265 for questions or concerns.
    Tariffs on Products Flowing from Canada, Mexico to Maryland
    03/05/25 - Teamsters Local 355
    Mar. 5, 2025 | ECONOMY | A 25 percent tariff was imposed early Tuesday on goods from Mexico and Canada, as well as an increase in the China levy. Those three countries are the U.S.’s top trading partners, and Maryland – home to the one of the nation’s busiest car ports – could feel the effects in the form of higher retail prices, reciprocal tariffs and less trade.
    2025 APWU National Postal Press Association Conference Registration form
    03/05/25 - American Postal Workers Union National Postal Press Association
    Yellow Cprp. Bankruptcy Update
    03/05/25 - Teamsters Local 776
    Please see below for important information from the IBT concerning the Yellow Corp....
    Tariffs on Products Flowing from Canada, Mexico to Maryland
    03/05/25 - Teamsters Local 992
    Mar. 5, 2025 | ECONOMY | A 25 percent tariff was imposed early Tuesday on goods from Mexico and Canada, as well as an increase in the China levy. Those three countries are the U.S.’s top trading partners, and Maryland –- home to one of the nation’s busiest car ports –- could feel the effects in the form of higher retail prices, reciprocal tariffs and less trade.
    Hawley Leads Bipartisan Pro-Labor Push
    03/04/25 - Teamsters Local 355
    Mar. 4, 2025 | LEGISLATION | Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) are introducing a major bipartisan, union-backed labor bill [today], according to a draft first obtained by Axis. It’s the first time in decades aRepublican has spearheaded pro-union reforms. It comes as the Senate looks likely to confirm President Trump’s pro-labor nominee Rep.
    Teamsters Take Action!
    03/04/25 - Teamsters Local 776
    On Thursday, March 6th, the Senate will vote to confirm Lori Chavez-DeRemer as Secretary of Labor. Nearly all....
    Hawley Leads Bipartisan Pro-Labor Push
    03/04/25 - Teamsters Local 992
    Mar. 4, 2025 | LEGISLATION | Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) are introducing a major bipartisan, union-backed labor bill [today], according to a draft first obtained by Axis. It’s the first time in decades aRepublican has spearheaded pro-union reforms. It comes as the Senate looks likely to confirm President Trump’s pro-labor nominee Rep.
    CPS Award
    03/04/25 - Communications Workers of America Local 1107
    The CPS Award for Plan Year 2024  The Award will be prorated for part-time employees and for those employees who participated for more than (3) months but less than (12) twelve months in the Plan Year.
    Update to current events
    03/03/25 - AFGE Local 1647
    All right everyone little update from today. Probationary employees: as of COB no update from the agency. They said they have got no additional guidance at this point.
    Social Security Fairness Act Q&A & Update
    03/03/25 - Pennsylvania State Lodge FOP
    The Social Security Fairness Act represents a significant step forward in addressing long-standing inequities in the Social Security system. This legislation repeals two unfair provisions in the Social Security Code, the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO), which have disproportionately impacted public safety officers and other government employees.
    Act 57 & 59
    03/03/25 - Pennsylvania State Lodge FOP
    Last year, the Pennsylvania General Assembly enacted new policing legislation now known as Act 59 and Act 57.  MPOETC was charged with creating regulations to implement these acts effective July 14, 2021. Below is a brief summary of these acts and their accompanying regulations.
    ACT 111 ALERT
    03/03/25 - Pennsylvania State Lodge FOP
    On behalf of over 50,000 active and retired Police Officers, State Troopers and Firefighters across Pennsylvania, the Fraternal Order of Police, Pennsylvania State Lodge, the Pennsylvania State Troopers Association, and the Pennsylvania Professional Fire Fighters Association ask that you strongly oppose recently introduced legislation that will cause grave harm to Pennsylvania’s heroes and their families.
    03/03/25 - Teamsters Local 162
    LOCAL 162 KEEPS MEMBERS INFORMED ON CHANGE OF OPERATIONS AT UPS Local 162 organized a March 2nd call on Zoom with members from UPS to discuss the change of operations and temporary closure of the Swan Island facility in Portland.  Hundreds of members logged onto the call.
    2025 Scholarship Opportunities
    03/03/25 - IBEW Local 768
    Brothers and Sisters,  There are scholarship opportunities available to our members and member's families. The links below will direct you to the applications and eligibility information on each scholarship. Some scholarships may be used towards apprenticeships or college.
    Health and Peer Support health Line
    03/03/25 - IUEC Local 71
    Helpline 786-730-6233 Use this for substance-use disorder, mental health or speak to member for peer support.  If you do have an emergency, please call 911. Other Numbers, LYRA 877-330-6735 behavior health. Suicide Hotline - 988 Crisis Counseling text HOME to 741741 crisis counseling. https://www.neibenefits.
    Social Security Fairness Act
    MARCH 3rd 2025 UPDATE For those who are being penalized by the WEP   and are collecting SS. If your spouse is collecting SS  and it’s higher than what you are or will be receiving See our info on the retirement information tab on the left. To see what you're entitled to.
    CWA Files 23,000 Complaints with DOH
    03/02/25 - CWA Local 1103
    On February 27, CWA took action and filed a record-breaking 23,000+ staffing complaints with the Department of Health.
    AEU Ratification Informational Meeting
    03/01/25 - Association Employees Union
    MEETING NOTICE - BARGAINING UPDATE The AEU bargaining team has been busy lately negotiating on behalf of the members. Listed below are the fruits of that labor.
    Headlines Provided By:

    GrievTrac.com - Online Grievance Tracking Software, 100% Union Made in the USA.

    UnionReach.net - Free real time union push messaging app. Send to all members or specific groups.

    UnionActive.com - Website Content Management System with Powerful Communication Tools for Union Website's, 100% Union Made in the USA.

    Unions-America.com - Union Website Design, Union Website Hosting, 100% Union Made in the USA.

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